Today’s guest is Sheila Darcey, founder of SketchPoetic, LA based artist and author of "Sketch by Sketch - A Creative Path to Emotional Healing & Transformation". The purpose of her work is to elevate art as a tool for emotional expression, self reflection, and healing. In this conversation, we explore how sketching can be a powerful tool for emotional healing, self-discovery, and transformation.


Sheila is a LA based Artist and prominent figure in her community.  You may have seen her work online or Instagram. Sheila sketches daily and elevates this medium as a form of emotional expression, self-reflection and healing. But Sheila wasn't always an artist, she once had a successful career as a digital innovator and business coach. Now with renewed passion, drive and purpose, Sheila is positively affecting people's lives through art, and I am immensely fortunate to have her company on todays podcast.

CONVERSATIOns with warrior women

What does it mean to be an artist? Somehow in the course of our lives we were told we were NOT artists. That artists have to be at a certain level. Today we are going to bring creativity and art back into your life so that you can reclaim your inner artist. Sheila Darcey, Author and Founder of Sketch Poetic, joins us to talk about being a recovering perfectionist, why she loves bridge builders, and why sketching brought a deep and profound healing to her life.

GOLDen MetaSessions with doc Peace

Here's a GOLDen videogram clip from our GOLDen MetaSession with doc Peace Podcast Season 2 Episode 8 guest speaker @sketchpoetic as she shares her GOLDen insights on Using Art to Heal Mental Health in Web3 sponsored by @raca_nft


Anxiety and stress had taken over her life. At the urging of her therapist, Author Sheila Darcey turned to creativity as a way to express trapped emotions her therapist believed were at the root of her anxiety. Through daily practice of sketching, she was able to gain significant insights into the inner workings of her own subconscious and unconscious mind and ultimately free herself from the “out of control” anxiety that had been running her life.


Sheila Darcey believes that art healed her soul, and everything she does is about sharing that powerful tool for self-care with the world. Her unique drawing style is intuitive, abstract, and organic, covering the page with flourishes and flashes of detail in a manner evoking Surrealist automatic drawing. It’s made in a flow state as part of a daily practice akin to Morning Pages, except visual, and with compelling results that hold their space on any gallery wall, bespoke object, or more recently, NFT auction.


Join Voice Visionary Kara Johnstad and Sheila Darcey, founder of the SketchPoetic Movement, in a heartfelt conversation on creative expression. Discover how you can tap into your innate creativity and transcend the turbulence by creating a daily sketching practice. Line by line, past trauma is processed. Squiggle by squiggle emotions are unstuck. Stroke by stroke, swirl by swirl, you come back into the flow. Pretty wondrous. You can articulate what is vibrating inside by liberating the artist who lives within, which feels simply freeing.


Sheila Darcey is the author of Sketch by Sketch: The Creative Path to Emotional Healing and Transformation. During a difficult time in her life, Sheila found that the act of sketching and freestyle drawing―of giving a physical form to her thoughts, emotions, and ideas―was an impactful way to process what she was feeling. One simple sketch became a daily practice and developed into a meditative and therapeutic tool that Sheila has taught and shared with thousands of people.


In this podcast, we discuss the genesis of SketchPoetic, the benefits of creative expression, and how purging emotions on paper is a healthy way to express how we feel. While the title of the podcast is about the eating disorder trap, we only touch on this topic briefly The intention of our conversation is to provide inspiration and tools for those suffering from this illness.


In our first time meeting after riding the whims of fate, Sheila and I create a sacred space around big topics like trust, forgiveness and anxiety. We talk about our struggles staying grounded and in the moment. We discuss imposter syndrome and how originality is a roadblock to creativity. We explore Andy's hang-ups on memory. We shift our definition of transformation, we rebel against perfectionism, people pleasing and instead seek our inner child. Because that's what art is: an act of remembering yourself. Ultimately, we rid ourselves of expectations and Surrender to the conversation gods. In so doing, we become friends.


Artist, author, and coach Sheila Darcey joins us to discuss using art to heal and transform our lives. She shares her wisdom around emotional expression, including how to use the shadow for growth, why suppression will always backfire, and how to overcome subconscious self-sabotaging tendencies.

This week’s episode is a wide-ranging conversation on healing trauma thru art, even if you don’t want to call it art. Sheila shares her daily sketching practice, experiences leading workshops with men, and bringing creative expression into prisons. Along the way, they explore anxiety, vulnerability, resistance, emotional time travel, and Sheila’s worst assumption.


Many of us have unprocessed emotion and we operate in utter avoidance in dealing with our deep rooted issue. This is an amazing way to improve the quality of your life with a simple and cost effective method– Sketching!

Sheila Darcey found that the daily practice of sketching and freestyle drawing, giving a physical form to her thoughts, emotions and ideas was effective. Later developed into a meditative and therapeutic tool that Sheila has taught and shared with thousands of people. Elevating art as a tool for mental health, transformation and healing.


The When is Now tells the stories of inspiring people who are not just imagining a new world, but making one.

Show Notes: “Sheila Darcey is the founder of SketchPoetic, a movement that uses creative expression to process past trauma and understand emotions.”


Show Notes: “How do you respond to uncertainty caused by crisis? Do you feel paralyzed by fear and anxiety? Are you walking on eggshells but trying to hold it all together?

If you feel an evolution stirring within and are looking for transformation, stay tuned and learn how Sheila uses creative expression as a tool for self-reflection, self-care, and healing. Sheila is on a mission to share the Sketchpoetic practice with the world and to help others find their own way.”


Interview with LOVEGOWN Podcast. In this episode, the three discuss how art and creative expression can be used as tools for individuals’ and communities’ healing.

"Sheila Darcey is a profound artist, facilitator, inspiring innovator, and healing mother. She is the founder of Sketch Poetic, a movement that embodies awakened consciousness and emboldens her to cultivate radical loving kindness. Throughout their time together, Sheila also shines a light on an energetic dynamic between Joe and Lo after facilitating a groundbreaking creative collaboration.”


Interview with Cured Collective Podcast to discuss how SketchPoetic came to be and the process behind it.

"The realization of living vs observing emotions came pouring out of Sketchpoetic, once she began to put pen to paper. Her art became an emotional translator of years of suppressed thoughts, beliefs, pain, and joy. It is her mission to share this practice with the world and to help others find their own way to optimal well being.”


Interview with Ladies Roadmap Podcast to discuss the journey to SketchPoetic and the greater purpose of my art.

“Have you ever felt there’s something more you want to express?  Life is going well but you feel there is something deeper calling you to action?

Today’s guest at first glance seems a bit of an anomaly, a cutting-edge businesswoman with a career as a digital innovator whose mission, as a consciousness artist, is to help others transform and heal their emotions through art and poetry.”